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Precise vs. Banks

No hassle. Fast approval.

Get funded today. No collateral. No personal guarantees.

Receive up to $200K in flexible financing, return a portion of your daily income.

Qualifying businesses receive up to $200K in as little as 24 hours. 

BBB logo with a flame symbol beside "A Rating" text, signifying high trustworthiness and business standards. Gray, minimalistic design on a white background.

*** Got a better deal? Submit it and we’ll match it.

A day at the bank...
Qualifying businesses receive unparalleled terms
1 year in Business
Up to date
Accounting software
$50K – $500K
Monthly Revenue


A better way to finance growth

Grants access to sufficient working capital

No Collateral / Personal Guarantees

Fast Approval Time

As little as 24 hours


Flexible repayment based on incoming cashflow


No hidden or unexpected fees. All costs are known in advance

A person standing in front of the Eiffel Tower, surrounded by vibrant trees and a clear blue sky. It's a sunny day in Paris.
A person standing in front of the Eiffel Tower, surrounded by vibrant trees and a clear blue sky. It's a sunny day in Paris.
A person standing in front of the Eiffel Tower, surrounded by vibrant trees and a clear blue sky. It's a sunny day in Paris.
A person standing in front of the Eiffel Tower, surrounded by vibrant trees and a clear blue sky. It's a sunny day in Paris.
A person standing in front of the Eiffel Tower, surrounded by vibrant trees and a clear blue sky. It's a sunny day in Paris.


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A person standing in front of the Eiffel Tower, surrounded by vibrant trees and a clear blue sky. It's a sunny day in Paris.
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I'm unable to view or describe images directly. Please upload the image again, and I'll help with whatever information I can extract!

Altenrative Lenders

A person standing in front of the Eiffel Tower, surrounded by vibrant trees and a clear blue sky. It's a sunny day in Paris.
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I'm unable to view or describe images directly. Please upload the image again, and I'll help with whatever information I can extract!
I'm unable to view or describe images directly. Please upload the image again, and I'll help with whatever information I can extract!
I'm unable to view or describe images directly. Please upload the image again, and I'll help with whatever information I can extract!


A person standing in front of the Eiffel Tower, surrounded by vibrant trees and a clear blue sky. It's a sunny day in Paris.
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I'm unable to view or describe images directly. Please upload the image again, and I'll help with whatever information I can extract!
I'm unable to view or describe images directly. Please upload the image again, and I'll help with whatever information I can extract!
I'm unable to view or describe images directly. Please upload the image again, and I'll help with whatever information I can extract!

Credit Cards

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I'm unable to view or describe images directly. Please upload the image again, and I'll help with whatever information I can extract!
I'm unable to view or describe images directly. Please upload the image again, and I'll help with whatever information I can extract!
A person standing in front of the Eiffel Tower, surrounded by vibrant trees and a clear blue sky. It's a sunny day in Paris.
I'm unable to view or describe images directly. Please upload the image again, and I'll help with whatever information I can extract!

How does Precise work?

Precise offers access to a portion of your future earnings today. 

Fast and secure underwriting

Precise quickly underwrites your business by connecting directly into your accounting solution.

No pitching, no meetings, no hassle.

Logo with the text "Intuit QuickBooks" in black and white, featuring a circular design with "qb" initials on the left.
The image displays the FreshBooks logo, featuring a stylized "F" in a leaf design and the brand name in bold, black text.
The image features the Xero logo with the tagline "Beautiful accounting software" in a sleek, minimalistic design on a white background.
Logo with stylized wave symbol and the word "wave" in lowercase letters, presented in grayscale. No landmarks or historical buildings visible.

Many additional accounting & bank integrations available

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Grow with Precise

Flexible financing – tailored for growing businesses.